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Protection of the public Founded in 1882, the Quebec Corporation of Land Surveyors becomes the Quebec Order of Land Surveyors in 1974. The College's primary function is to ensure the protection of the public through inspection. vocational training, continuing education and discipline. It also determines the standards of practice and regulations that guide members in their professional activities. The Order is made up of all persons authorized to practice exclusively the profession of land surveyor in Quebec. It currently has nearly 1,000 members. It is administered by a board of directors made up of fourteen directors, three of whom are appointed by the Office des professions to represent the public. To become a member of the Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec and obtain a permit to practice the profession, a person must meet the requirements established by the Land Surveyors Act, including the obtaining of a university degree recognized, passing admission exams and completing a training course.